Thursday, February 5, 2009

Triple Coupons at Harris Teeter

I love coupons and I especially love TRIPLE coupons! I found out about triples earlier this week and started getting organized. Harris Teeter is not close to our house so we planned our big trip around a basketball game in Raleigh to see one of our youth group girls play. On Thursday (today), we went to Brandi's game and then headed over the HT at Glenwood for Baby food items. We then met my mom at K&W for dinner and then we all headed over to HT at Cameron Village. In the spirit of our last Triples post, of course I had to come home and take pictures! haha! :) I am sure you visual learners appreciate that!

I have pictures of each individual order if you'd like to see those! :P

Here's a run down of our savings:

1st trip:
Gerber & Beechnut, Cereals just to name a few
Total: 69.19
Paid: 24.99

2nd trip:
(Aaron's cart!)
Gerber & Beechnut, Mustard, Meats, Neosporin, Reese's Hearts?! (Doesn't Aaron know the point is to only buy things that we buy with coupons?!!!)
Total: 63.05
Paid: 30.37

(my cart!)
Beechnut, Teabags, Beans and Chili, Salsa, etc.
Total: 63.19
Paid: 10.74

Total Purchases: $195.43
Paid: $66.10

That's 67% savings!!

I may go back out get some items Cameron Village didn't have. :) Triples are through Sunday---so get your coupons and go save!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

You crack me up!!! I will have to tell my Mom and send my supervisor an email (they love HT)!