Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sleeping Beauties!

Now that Cameron is in the toddler bed, I've been leaving her door open until she falls asleep. That makes it easy to snap sweet pictures of sleeping beauties!

Snuggling with her baby

My snuggle buddy!

Carter asked if he could nap with Cameron one afternnon. It was more like confined playtime. They were too cute together so I couldn't resist grabbing the camera!

Neither kid was a paci user, we just had them from baby registries just in case. We kept the pacis on a shelf of the changing table and Cameron "plays" with them from time to time. This picture was taken during naptime after a February trip to the park.

Using the bible, blankie & baby as a pillow

Carter thinking he doesn't "need" a nap anymore

Carter tried his hardest to stay awake for the Duke/Carolina game

Cameron buried under her blanket

Speaking of sleeping, Carter went through a spell of waking up in the middle of the night and coming into our room to tell us he was scared...aka climb in to sleep with mommy and daddy. After we spent time teaching him that God protects us, and reminding him that mommy and daddy help protect him too, we decided a way to help him would be to leave his door open and the hall light on. That quickly solved the problem though there are some mornings that he wakes up when Aaron us getting ready for work/taking the dogs out. We got in a little habit of him coming into bed with me at 6:30, usually waking up on his own, and he would start to get upset upon entering the room because he wanted his daddy. The solution to that problem was to tell him every night at bedtime that "daddy will be here while you sleep but not when you wake up." That seems to help most days. But much earlier when he would wake up that early, he would request to watch tv in bed with me and then I'd go back to sleep. Now he just climbs back in bed with me (sometimes on my same pillow) and goes back to sleep. The thought has gone through my head a time or two to get up and do something productive but I just LOVE my snuggle time with Carter! When it comes to bedtime, Carter always asks me to lay with him and how can you say no?!? I just keep reminding myself that there will come a day :( when he won't want to be in the same bed with his mommy so I'm gonna soak it up now! And we have the BEST conversations at bedtime. I'll post about that someday soon! ;)

Prior to Cameron moving to the toddler bed, she would go to bed around 9pm and wake up generally between 8:30 & 9am, and would nap for 2+ hours a day. These days she's been going to bed between 8:30 & 9pm, sometimes a little earlier, and waking up around 8am. I think I am starting to see my sleep patterns! I am NOT a morning person. Cameron has also not napping as long its more like 1-1.5 hours. The kids have been going to bed a little earlier recently because Carter is at a point where he doesn't "need" a nap if for some reason we need to skip it but he will fall asleep in the car around 6pm if you're out. He's still a good boy without a nap though the occassional easily heart broken moments.