Saturday, September 29, 2007

8 weeks

It's offical. Aaron and I are having a baby in May!!! Ok, I appologize that this may be the first time you are finding out about this but there is no possible way for us to see or call each of you before you hear it from someone else! We plan to at least weekly update this site so you can keep up with our pregnancy no matter where you live.

Aaron and I went to our first doctor's visit yesterday and had a great report. We had to answer lots of medical questions, do some blood work, and got to do an ultrasound. As you can see in the ultrasound, the baby is sooo small now. The craziest part of the ultrasound was hearing the heartbeat! The baby has a healthy heartbeat of 156 beats per minute. We have been waiting to tell people until after our first visit. The next visit is October 25th.

We've told parent and grandparents, and a few close friends prior to the visit. Yesterday, we went to school after school was over and told the volleyball team and I think it caught them off guard. They were pretty excited. We plan to tell our homerooms on Monday. These are students that we've had for almost 4 years. Soon the whole school will know. It's been so tough keeping the secret from school. I constantly have students asking me when we are going to have children so I am glad I can finally be honest. We told Joshie & Jonah last night...Joshie just stared at Aaron as if he was shocked.

So how am I feeling? I have not experienced any sickness. I try to eat snacks throughout the day and I think that really helps. I use the bathroom frequently...especially during the middle of the night. On Thursday and Friday morning, I had trouble going back to sleep after about 5 am. Last night, I brought the body pillow into our room and I think it helped me sleep better. I am normally in bed between 9 and 9:30 every night. Being a teacher is tiring on top of being pregnant.

We met my mom after the doctor yesterday and went to a few furniture stores. Then last night, we went to Babies R Us to look at more furniture. I think I've found my favorite so far.

I'm off to clean a little before we head to the state game.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Congratulations! (I love your "baby ticker" too!)