Tuesday, April 7, 2009

First "real" sickness

Last Monday, Carter started to have a constant tear in his eye (the tear is gone now, not sure how it connects to the story)...then Wednesday, Carter started running a low grade temperature (99s) which I just thought was connected to more teething. That night in the nursery he was so unhappy. On Thursday, his appetite started to change. Friday morning at 3am, he woke up cryyyying and with a temperature of 102.4. I've never felt anyone so hot. About an hour and half later, he finally fell asleep in bed with us. That morning, I called the doctor and they asked to bring him in. This was the first time we have taken Carter to the doctor besides for well-checks. Carter weighed 24lbs 1 oz (He's 11 months today!). They took his temperature and it was 98.7...good ear and good eyes. So the nurse took some blood and checked his white blood cell count which was "lower than normal". Dr. Langdon said he had a viral infection. She said to keep with the Tylenol and add Motrin (and that we can upgrade our dosage or change to children's Tylenol or Motrin because of his weight) and to give him a multivitamin. That multivitamin stiiiiiiiiiinks so bad...I have to hide it in his foods for him to eat it. Its also a battle to get him to take the Motrin. Over the weekend, he was still not eating normal and whinnnny. On Sunday, at the pool we noticed that he was developing a little rash on his belly. I searched online to determine that it was the infection leaving the body. On Monday, I called the Dr's office and they confirmed what I had read. He is finally today starting to eating better but still whiny, but not as bad.

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