Wednesday, July 29, 2009

4th of July

On the 4th, we went to our pool for free lunch! :) While at the pool, my basketball obsessed child saw a floating pool basketball goal. He tried to play with it in the baby pool but the kid wouldn't share. His parents put the goal outside of the pool and the other kid lost interest, but not mine. He loooooooooooove a basketball goal. He played with this goal for at least 30 minutes straight. Needless to say, we went out in search of it after that day. We went to 5 different stores and finally just ordered it off amazon. You'll see pictures later where we play with the goal outside, inside and at the pool too.

My parents (well my dad) were busy building a deck at my grandparents house so we went out to dinner that night with my grandparents. After dinner, we went to Pullen Park with my parents. This was the first time we've been there with Carter while the rides were open. Carter has been with my parents a few times. This was Carter's first ride in the boats and he did not enjoy it. The four of us spread out around the water to catch him if he tried to jump out. He did jump out while the ride was going and the nice man gave us our ticket back. Later that night, we shot off a few fireworks at my parents house. My dad and Aaron went around to the front of the house to shoot off some fireworks. Just as they did, a police man came creeping down the road and stopped several feet from them. They nonchalantly walked back towards the house as the police man called out to them all the while I am walking quickly to the backyard to tell the neighbors not to shoot off fireworks since the police were out front. The police man didn't say anything about the fireworks because he was looking for a "missing" person. Shew. I was worried we were gonna get slapped some large fine.

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