Friday, August 12, 2011

Carter's 1st VBS

August 3-7th, I had the pleasure of accompanying Carter at our church's vbs. This is our first year allowing 3 & 4 year olds (I talked our children's pastor into doing it) to participate and each child had to have an accompanying parent. Carter is slow to warm up to "new" things so I knew the first night would be a challenge. Our theme was Wildwood Forest and we rotated to different stations after we all kicked off in the sanctuary with an intro, skit and group song. The different rotations included more songs, skit, experiment, games and snack. Can you guess Carter's favorite time? The games outside! :) The first night during music, I had to help him do the hand motions while holding his hands. By day 2, he was all into it. Carter learns songs very quickly, is very interested in learning and doing all the hand motions and sings great! :) The kids learned songs from Seeds Family Worship which is a group that all the songs are straight scripture memorization. So this week he learned: Psalms 34:10, 40:1-2, Romans 8:38-39, Psalm 62:1-2 & Psalm 34:18! Cameron has even picked up on some of the songs and motions too!

During the skits we learned about Gideon, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Paul & Silas, Elisha & Mary & Joseph and that God is undefeatable, unmatchable,uncontainable, unpredictable, unforgettable. Our experiments included making a balloon fly like a bird, making a bag explode, walking through an index card, playing with slime, mentos explosion.
On Saturday night, we had VBS at the White Deer Park with dinner. I spent the next 2 hours icing my hand as I got stung by at bee at dinner.
The game time was a little unorganized at time since we were dealing with 3 & 4 year olds but they just enjoyed running around! :)

Our VBS concluded on the stage during our Sunday Morning service. Carter did a GREAT job sitting quietly on the stage for 1 hour! :) And did a great job on singing the songs. He did need my help on the Romans verse--its long with a lot of motions to remember. Aaron took a video...maybe one day I can get it on here. :) I also took one on my phone...that should be easier to upload.

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