Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Be intentional

Cameron on our trip to the Life & Science Museum in Durham

I'm tryyyyyyyyyyyyyying to be more intentional about of them being updating this blog. Ahhhhh!
I was doing an online survery about Cameron's development for her upcoming 15 month appointment this month and one of the questions what asking if she said more than 4 words other than Mama & Dada. So I started thinking of them...

Here's a few things about Cameron at 14 months:
*Says Dog, Bow, Fish, Bye-Bye, Hey, Ball, Book, Baby, Pack Pack (for Wolfpack!), Door, Down, No & Mine (These last 2 she's been saying for a couple months!), Nana, Papa, Rock Rock, Tickle,
*Signs Thank you, More & Please (and sometimes says the words along with the sign)
*Counts along with Carter-more like humming along
*Cameron sleeps about 12 hours each night
*Naps for 2.5-3 hours
*When she wakes up earlier than I want her to, she willingly plays in her bed with her babies.
*Loves to read. Sometimes you'll find her reading a book by herself somewhere
*Loves animals. Her favorites(for sound making purposes)are dog, cat, horse and cow.
*She's a great eater. But so was Carter at this age. And she has her mommy's sweet tooth. Sometimes you'll see her dancing in place at the sight of something yummy.
*Wears Size 4 diapers & Size "18 months" but most of her clothes are 12-18/18-24m.
*Recently became interested in blowing a kiss
*It so neat to watch Carter & Cameron interact. In the car, Carter likes to ask her questions just to get to her say No repeatedly. One night he kept asking if he could have some icecream when we got home over and over again. Everytime he would ask, she would start out soft saying no and then she was eventually yelling no at him.

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