Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cameron Update

Cameron was due this past Sunday...
At week 36 I measured at 1/2 cm (McKenzie)...
At week 37 I measured at 1-2 cm (Harden)...
At week 38 I measured at 1-2 cm (Wheeler)...
At week 39 I measured at 2-3 cm (Harden)...
At week 40 I measured at 2-3 cm (McKenzie)...

Dr. McKenzie also determined that Cameron is breech. We did an ultrasound to confirm...and she is. The ultrasound said she is 8lb 6 oz (+ or - 1 lb). We talked about the different options. We are opting to try a version (a procedure where the dr tries to turn the baby). If this is unsuccessful, then I am schedules to have a C-section following that. The version is scheduled for tomorrow at 8:30am and the C-section at 10:30am. We are praying that Cameron will turn herself before tomorrow or the procedure will work.

Our nurse yesterday told us that if Cameron was gonna turn that Dr. Harden is the dr to do it. Today at swim lessons, Aaron had a mom tell him the exact same thing (she's a postpartum nurse at WakeMed). Thats encouraging. Dr. McKenzie said there's a 50% chance this will work...but I didn't want to say I wish we would have tried this.

Check back tomorrow for another update!

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