Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Baby Story

I love my mommy!


My grandparents came from Charlotte! :)



Here's a little recap of Carter's first day in the world...

We got to the hospital around 7:45 and had to wait to be checked in. By the time we got checked in, to labor & delivery, got changed and got the poticin started, it was about 9am or so. The night before, I couldn't eat or drink anything after midnight! Well, I absolutely LOVE ice water!!! And all day Wednesday, all I craved was ice water. But all I could have was ice chips..and lots of them! The day started off swell with the IV. Ok, that was actually painful but luckily I was watching Clay Aiken on Good Morning America while she put it in. The nurse started the poticin in very small increments so Aaron, my mom & I spent some the next few hours just hanging out. Around noon, Aaron went to grab some lunch. While he was out, Dr. Smith broke my water. That was very interesting to say the least. Aaron, mom & I played some Rummicube. I won everytime...Aaron tried to say they 'let' me win...whatever! The contractions were starting and weren't too too painful-more like cramps. About 4:30, my epidural arrived. Only one person could be in the room, so mom had to leave while Aaron had to sit in a chair in front of me. My nice and whitty nurse (we got along great!) told me it would feel like a bee sting. She lied! That thing felt like someone was drilling on my spine!!! After the epidural was in, it was time for the catheter. Ugh! At 4:30, I was at 4 cm. My grandparents came a little later and brought Aaron dinner. With the epidural, there were times when it didn't quite feel like it was working 100%. So I had to mash the button for more medicine. Since I had to continue to switch sides, when the button was behind me I had mom mashing the button for me. Yet there were times when I had used all the medicine so mashing the button did nothing! We were told that once I got to 5 cm, it would be 1 hour per cm and 2 hours to push. At this rate, I was thinking Carter was going to be born on Thursday. At 8:15, Dr Smith came in to check me before he performed a c-section. I was at 7cm. He came back at 10 and I was at 10cm. He said we were ready to push. Well, before we started pushing I began to feel sick (throw up!) and had a fever. We started to push around 10:20...and Carter somehow arrived at 11:08pm. I wasn't sure what my reaction was going to be when I saw him...but it was a feeling of relief! :) I had survived!!! Carter was really white when he was born and had a fever so after I held him for a few seconds, they sent him to the nursery to be checked by a NICU doctor. We got fixed up and packed up to head to our new room and then we finally got to spend some time with Carter about 1am. My mom, dad and brother came to the room and hung out for a while and left around 2am. Aaron and I finally got to bed around 2:30...We had Carter stay in the room with us since he was just born. I kept waking up to check on him so I didn't sleep really well. We had the nurse take him to the nursery from 5-7am so we could sleep a minute or two.

Thursday Morning
We had several visitors throughout the day so it wasn't quite a day of rest. Aaron's parents & brother Adam came in around lunch time...It was nice for Carter to meet them! :) Nothing too exciting happened on Thursday. We spent a little time with the lactation consultant but Carter was too tired to wake up and eat. He didn't eat all day long...We slept for a couple hours before midnight while Carter was in the nursery. When he came in at midnight, he was hungry and wouldn't eat. At about 2:30, Aaron went to take him to the nursery (bc he was SO fussy), and the nurse told him they would send him back if he was crying. At this point, I was pretty much out of it as Aaron worked with the nurse to feed Carter with a 5ML syringe. We didn't want to give him a bottle this early. After he was fed, he went to the nursery and we slept! On Thursday night, he weighed 8lb. 9oz.

Friday Morning
Carter spent the entire day with us as we were preparing to go home. We worked a lot with the lactation consultant and she was so helpful and gave us lots of resources. I had to get a shot for my RH negative blood type and my friend Sara got to give me the the butt! :) Carter got circumcised around 1:30 and we had to wait for him to be checked a few times before we could leave. Carter was weighed again before we left and he weighed 8lb. 5oz. We left the hospital around 5:30 on Friday. Mom came over to help & brought dinner, groceries and other necessities!

More of Carter’s first week to come later…I’m a little tired.

1 comment:

Kara McLendon said...

Congratulations, Jamie & Aaron! You have a handsome boy!