Sunday, February 13, 2011

2 days in a row?!?!? ;)

I'm home from church with Cameron, who is napping, so I thought I'd write some more about our wonderful kids & life!! :)

Aaron's parents came in town last night on their way back from Richmond so they stayed with the kids while Aaron and I went out for Valentine's Day! We don't eat out often so when we do, it's a TREAT! :) At Christmas, one of Aaron's students gave him a NICE gift card to we eat dinner for less than $7 last night! Wahooooo! Then I asked could we go to Kohl's and Target. I have a leftover gift card at Kohl's (I'm really good about holding on to these waiting for the right time to use them! I have atleast partial 1 from Christmas 2009 & 2 partials from my bday 2010) so I went to search for Cameron a white picture frame instead of paying for it at Target! ;) And then of course a trip to Target included buying baby food and formula with LOTS of great coupons!!

Recently, I've had a lot of friends sharing baby coupons with us, and it's a blessing! And the formula checks that I can't use, I just trade them on Craigslist for the ones I can! :) With Carter we just used whatever brand of formula, both Similac and Enfamil after breastfeeding, but Cameron is a little pickier! ;) We use Good Start with her because the dr said it is the closest to breastmilk and it really helps with regular bowl movements. {Here's the TMI part: They have been explosive especially in conjunction with the daily doses for amoxicillian for Kidney Reflux. Though, now with solids in her diet the explosions aren't as often}

If you ever get any baby coupons, be sure to share those with those in your life that can benefit!! I never thought coupons are something that I would get so excited over!! :)

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