Monday, February 14, 2011

Kids Exchange

I'll have to come back and re-read this post as I am sure there are typos and its random and jumbled. I was trying to type before we headed to bed. :) Yay for 3 days in a roooooooooooow!

Kids Exchange comes twice a year and its my favorite!! July 2010, I convinced Aaron to work a shift so we could shop early. He actually enjoyed himself so we both scheduled to work the January 2011 sale so we could shop even earlier. Aaron was orginially scheduled to work security on a teacher workday with the "snow" caused the county to move the workday so we had to change Aaron's job to tearing down the building...a little harder task. My job was on the last night of the sale as a sorter...aka going through all the madness that was still left and sorting it to be picked up or donated! We got to shop on Wednesday at 3pm and I think I could have shopped all night! We first attacked the double strollers and found a joovy one for $20...and it's red! ;) The only thing is it was missing the front tray but umbrella strollers don't have a tray either. We also purchased one for some of our friends that were coming to shop at 5pm. After strollers, I was off to attack the 4T boys section. I touched every piece there...and had tons in the wagon. Michael counted and there were 44 pairs of plaid shorts! HAHA. I was just grabbing what I thought I might like! After going through the section, I went along the side and had Aaron sort the items while I started looking at the 18 month girls for Cameron. No, we didn't buy 44 pairs of shorts, but I was able to check for stain, brands and prices to make the best purchases. This is what really is the time consuming part. It's getting tougher to shop for Carter as boys are so tough on their clothes. I noticed some moms take a lot of price in the used clothing as some of the items were priced really high. That makes it easier for me actually. So about 8pm, they are making calls to reference they the last call may be coming soon. I was trying to move quick as the 18 month girls section was more disappointing than Carter's section. If you know the store layout, I never even made it from the back of the store to the row of infant toys. At 9pm, they asked us to get in line to check out. After check out, our average per item was $2.86!! :) I'm ok with that! Carter is set...but Cameron needs a little more. Today, I noticed that most of the stuff in her closet for spring/summer are all sleeveless. I guess I was remembering how hot it was last summer!

One thing I really like about the sale is that its sooo huge and draws such a huge crowd. This helps my items to sell! I like that I get paide so quickly after the sale and I usually tend to make about what we spend. We got our check from the sale last week and I made right at $250!! :) I wanted to make some quick $ off the leftover stuff so I took some clothes, books & toys to the Children's Orchard (Kids Consignment Store that pays cash upfront for items) and was very disappointed that she wanted to give me only $13 for 37 items (9 books (brand new!), 8 outfits, 7 shirts, 2 hats, 2 bathing suits, 7 oneies, 2 shorts). Needless to say I did not accept her offer! I think I may look into another local consignment sale for the unsold KE items.

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