Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I'm procrastinating I thought, I'll update the blog during naptime! :)

We took Cameron to the dr yesterday and she has RSV. Sounds scary but its just a name for bad cold. Not I'm not downplaying it, she does have a really bad cough and runny nose but this could be worse if she were smaller or a premie. She's slept well-Praise the Lord! :) And aside from some occasional fussy moments, she's handling it well. She's been drooling a lot as she's been having to breathe through her nose so we've soaked at least 7 bibs in the last 24 hours. We're just letting it run it course as we elevate her bed, run the humidifer, use saline solution, Tylenol/Ibprofen...Now if we could just keep Carter from putting his hands and mouth all over her.

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