Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Pictures...well Picture!

I love pictures...
but at this point in my life, I don't love taking my kids to get their pictures taken together. Shew! I don't know if it's Carter's age, the fact that someone else is in the picture now or what, but it is a chore trying to get Carter to take a good picture. Yes, below you will see a good picture and oddly enough this was the first picture that was taken! I am thankful for only a few good pictures because this makes it easier to choose just 1 pose! :) In a couple weeks, we will have Cameron's 6 month pictures taken...and I'm leaving Carter at home! :D I can only hope the whole process will be much more enjoyable! I'll give Carter a break until its time for Easter pictures! ;)

Disney on Ice

Last Saturday, my mom, Cameron, Carter, my friend Jennifer & her 2 year old Gabe went to see Toy Story on Ice at the RBC Center. I originally ordered 4 tickets so that Aaron could come along too but then I realized he had a youth group event that he was expected to attend so I gave Jennifer the extra ticket! I kept putting off ordering tickets and I'm glad I did, because we got a nice discount code! :) I had never been to Disney on Ice before so this was a fun treat! The first half before intermission was a combination of Toy Story 1 & 2 with the 2nd half being about Toy Story 3. I caught Carter a couple times with his mouth open. He laughed, cheered, clapped & had a great time with his buddy Gabe. Thanks Nana for treating us to this fun event!

Carter's Favorite-besides Buzz & Woody...Lotso

We went to the 10:30 show so this was during Cameron's naptime...but she was angel! ;)

The whole gang

Jennifer & Gabe

Nana :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Visiting Santa...

As I aim to go back and post on happenings from months ago, I gotta stay up to date too! ;)

So...today I saw a friend post that her daughter was singing with her middle school chorus at the mall. So I texted Aaron and told him to take the afternoon off and go to the mall with us to go see Jessica sing and to see Santa! We enjoyed some Christmas chorus tunes...reminded me of my days of singing at the mall too! I even got a little teary!
When we went to see Santa, the cameras were broken so they were stalling by sending Santa to come talk to the people waiting in line. I think this was good for Carter. He has just recently started to be interested in interacting with characters. When Santa walked back to us, Carter just sat in the stroller and wouldn't even look in his direction. They never got the cameras working while we were there but they did allow us to visit and take our own pictures and Carter was ready to visit when our time came. Even though Carter didn't talk to him, he didn't cry!! YAY! We had been talking up the Santa visit and even asking Carter what he was going to tell Santa he wanted. He had been planning for weeks to say "Buzz and Woody" but just yesterday, I told Carter he needed some gloves for Christmas and he started saying he was gonna tell Santa he wanted two gloves. Then that turned into Buzz and Woody gloves. But he didn't even talk to Santa. I thought it was funny that Santa didn't even ask him what he wanted for Christmas. Guess they ask that anymore??
Cameron did good...she stared at him a little too long and started to cry some so she cut out visit short! :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

We're still here...

I wish I could say I planned to take a 6 month break...but it just happened. I am much better about updating my facebook so I'm sorry blog & blog follows for neglecting you. I may have to set an alarm to remind me to update the blog...but we'll start with where I left off.

Soooooooooooooo...Cameron is here! :)

I just found a draft that I started writing so some of the pictures are the same... :)

Cameron Blake Firebaugh arrived on Thursday, June 17th at 9:32am weighing 9lbs & 21 inches long. Cameron was born via c-section after Dr. Harden tried the turn her through the version. Wow--that was a painful experience but I just stared at the ceiling while he oiled me up & dug his fingers into my belly. She moved...a little. But when he stopped trying to turn her, she returned back to her breech position. With all that being said, I wouldn't go back to do it any different. The c-section wasn't THAT bad...I just have a fear of the unknown and I had no clue what I was about to experience. Luckily for us, it was a really slow day so we had lots of extra hands available so pictures could be taken of the event. When you have a c-section, there's not really a fun or interesting birth story...sorry Cameron...well actually it was your fault! :P A few things I remember about that day...I was in paaaaaaaaaaaain! Shew! And in pain for many, many days to come. Since it was slow around the hospital that day, our initial postpartum nurse was able to upgrade our room to the biggest one available (and they wheeled me down the hall while I was uploading pictures to fb)! :) (With Carter, our room was the size of a closet!)
I just asked Aaron what he remembered about the day Cameron was born and he said, "Wearing scrubs, putting the dog kennel's in the kitchen (it was really hot and stay in the garage when we are not at home so we didn't want them to die while we were at the hospital), coming home to get snacks."
We had visitors while we were there: Pastor Brian, Pastor Josh, Pastor Doug, Matt G, Chris & Sara, Aunt Deborah, Stacey & Melissa, Grandma, Papa, Derrick, My mom and dad, Aaron's mom & dad, Rachel, Adam, Julie, Teenna & Nick, Jennifer, Hannah, Derek, Jessia, Alley...
While I was in the hospital with Carter, I never left my room, but after this c-section, I had to keep "active". I remember fearing getting out of bed the first time but I knew I had to move so I could quickly recover. Every couple hours, Aaron and I would take Cameron on a walk so I could keep moving.
Cameron was a great baby while in the hospital. She nursed well and our lactation consultant was great! She did enjoy staying awake from the hours of 2-5am but enjoyed snuggling with me in bed during those hours.
Carter did a decent jobs during his visits. He would not climb in bed to sit with me so I had to get out of bed and sit in an uncomortable chair to sit with him. And of course, I was totally scared he was going to jump on my stomach! Carter enjoyed kissing Cameron on the head, getting presents, visits from family and hanging out with my parents while we were still in the hospital. To look back at those pictures now 6 months later, he looks soooo grown up. It's crazy!
We left the hospital knowing we would be battling jaunice and gaining weight which provided us with daily visits to the dr our first 4 days home. We left the hosptial and Cameron weighed 7lb 13 oz so she had lost a significant amount of weight!
Aaron was so helpful with EVERYTHING! Taking care of 3 babies is tough and we were so thankful that Cameron arrived during summer break. My mom was great too!

Check back soon...I've got a lot to post! ;)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy 2 weeks Cameron Blake Firebaugh

Cameron Blake Firebaugh arrived 2 weeks ago, Thursday, June 17th at 9:32am via C-section.
When we went to the dr. on Tuesday, June 15th to see Dr. McKenzie, I was 40 weeks & 2 days. He checked me and said I was 2-3 cm...no real change. He asked if I wanted him to strip my membranes to try to get something going and I said sure. This process caused him to question Cameron's position so we were off to the ultrasound room. My mom was able to meet up with us for Cameron's last ultrasound to determine that she was breech. Dr. McKenzie talked with us about her positioning and what could happen next. He told us about the process of the version (method used to turn babies into head down position) and as I listened I thought that I would be interested in giving it a try. We checked the calendar and the best version dr (Dr. Harden) was scheduled for Thursday at the hospital so we planned to attempt the version, then if successful move onto induction and if not, then c-section. The ultrasound told us that she was 8lb 6oz (+ or - 1lb). My nurse reassured me that if anyone was turning my baby, that it was Dr. Harden. I left feeling ok but yet overwhelmed by this new shocking news. Dr. McKenzie told me there was a 50% chance that she could be turned and obviously it would be more difficult if she was on the bigger side. I left the office and we went to dinner with my mom. I called a friend on the way and cried a little...not much. And to come to think of it, I hardly cried in the days leading up to the trip to the hospital (though I really wanted to!). On Tuesday night, I stayed up reading and watching videos about the version and c-section. I have always feared the c-section bc of the recovery...and now here I was...having to get one myself.
The night before, we met my mom for a final dinner at Ragazzi's since I wasn't going to be having many good meals in the coming days. Then we sent Carter onto spend the night with my parents. We didn't go to sleep until around midnight and got up around 5:15 to be at the hospital at 7:30am. My mom met us there and luckily she did, bc I couldn't remember where I packed my memory card.
So we were off to Triage to get ready for the version. I was the only patient this morning and we had lots of nurses volunteering their services. Everyone was great! Dr. Harden checked Cameron again to make sure she hadn't turned into the correct position on her own and then we started to show. (Side note: all the nurses said Dr. Harden was the dr to turn babies!)...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cameron Update

Cameron was due this past Sunday...
At week 36 I measured at 1/2 cm (McKenzie)...
At week 37 I measured at 1-2 cm (Harden)...
At week 38 I measured at 1-2 cm (Wheeler)...
At week 39 I measured at 2-3 cm (Harden)...
At week 40 I measured at 2-3 cm (McKenzie)...

Dr. McKenzie also determined that Cameron is breech. We did an ultrasound to confirm...and she is. The ultrasound said she is 8lb 6 oz (+ or - 1 lb). We talked about the different options. We are opting to try a version (a procedure where the dr tries to turn the baby). If this is unsuccessful, then I am schedules to have a C-section following that. The version is scheduled for tomorrow at 8:30am and the C-section at 10:30am. We are praying that Cameron will turn herself before tomorrow or the procedure will work.

Our nurse yesterday told us that if Cameron was gonna turn that Dr. Harden is the dr to do it. Today at swim lessons, Aaron had a mom tell him the exact same thing (she's a postpartum nurse at WakeMed). Thats encouraging. Dr. McKenzie said there's a 50% chance this will work...but I didn't want to say I wish we would have tried this.

Check back tomorrow for another update!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last of April...beginning of May...

We enjoyed steak and time with family for my birthday! My brother was able to come too!

Carter has mastered shooting on the small bball goal so Aaron attached the goal to a chair until we could get Carter a new goal for his birthday. Looks kinda redneck if you ask me! ;)

Carter has been to a couple Clayton softball games this year. Here’s a picture from the West/Clayton game. He likes to yell out, “Girl hit it. Girl catch it.” Now he thinks anytime we see boys playing baseball that they are girls.

The day before Carter’s 2nd birthday, I took him to Tiny Tots at our gym. It’s a class for 2-3 year olds with music and exercise. He was a bit freaked out so I stayed with him. He really only wanted to participate when it was time to play with the balls.

Red & White Game!

Carter is still afraid of mascots. Here he is not wanting to get close to Ms. Wuf.

He didn't cry during the picture...just looked at her.

In April, we enjoyed a Saturday at Carter-Finley Stadium watching some Wolfpack football. The week of and since then, Carter has daily said he wants to play a football game. He had a great time watching football and enjoying the CF atmosphere. We’re looking forward to taking him to a game in the fall!

Lunch with Ben & Julie

Since Carter isn't the best at lasting long at a restaurant, Ben and Julie came over for lunch one Sunday! We had lunch and hung out, while Carter played! :)

Friend's Birthdays

In April, we celebrated Devin and Lucas’ 2nd birthdays. Devin’s bday party was at a bounce house and Lucas had a bounce house at his house. Here’s pictures of Carter and his friends.

Opps, I skipped the month of May!

Here's some last pictures from our Easter trip to Charlotte.
While there, we also enjoyed easter baskets, going for a walk to the park with Brian and Lacey, playing in the pool and playing with Cousin Cooper.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Easter Sunday

We enjoyed another Easter Sunday in Charlotte with Aaron's family. After church, we all went out to lunch and then had some family pictures and dyed some eggs after nap time.